Addressing Bullying to Address the Rest
Bullying is not the only problem in schools. In fact, it is difficult to address bullying effectively sometimes because it is one of an endless list of problems that might range from academic struggles within a school, faculty morale, attendance, pressures from stakeholders outside the school building, and countless other issues.
The problem with trying to address every problem at once is that efforts can become diluted and resources can be stretched thin. It is difficult if not impossible to try to focus on everything at once. There is an interesting effect that comes with addressing bullying within a school in an effective manner. Often times, when one problem is impacted greatly by an effort, there is a peripheral effect that reaches into other issues connected to that original problem in ways we never saw. By focusing on bullying and making a difference there, other things will be fixed too.
By impacting the lives of bullies and their victims in a way that changes behavior and outlook, many more things are changed within a school. Referrals will drop which frees administrative time to address other issues. Attendance may improve which then benefits other aspects of the school report card. Better behavior in the building increases teacher effectiveness and morale. A significant impact on a bullying problem within a school can have far reaching and lasting effects.
Sometimes we feel paralyzed to act because we see every problem at once and don’t know where to begin. Whether we are helping one student or an entire school, it is good to begin with one thing. Solving one problem effectively can have a lasting impact on so many things at once. I have looked at the scale of the problems facing this generation and I have chosen bullying as the one problem to solve that changes so much more around it.
Don’t be overwhelmed. Don’t feel like you are facing this alone. Use the resources available from ALL IN GEN to help you deal with bullying in your school.
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Bullies and bullying can be prevented by the slow and methodic process of mentoring and coaching from a caring mindset. Each and every young person carries a wealth of potential. It’s up to us to see, call forth, and empower that potential. Your diligence and long hours toward maturing this generation are not in vain, but rather are changing the world.