"I do not know of a more excellent presentation to put before our youth and their parents."

David Hudson
Disciplinary Officer: Calico Rock High School, AR

ALL IN GENERATION is a friend to administrators, teachers, mentors, coaches, and youth leaders across the world. Our main goal is to support and build the values of your school system and local community. We provide valuable character-building content which does not present or articulate a particular religious or political philosophy. We accomplish this by inspiring and empowering your youth toward character based decision-making while also illuminating many of the destructive pitfalls that trap young people time and time again. These pitfalls can include: using violence to solve problems or gain respect and abusing drugs and alcohol as entertainment or pain avoidance.

By understanding and speaking the language of current youth culture ALL IN GEN is the most effective and relevant school assembly in the nation. With a “character focused” foundation in which our seminars are based, we tackle the modern pressing issues of BULLYING, violence, and substance ABUSE. Using much of the same media that the common teen is engaged in seven to nine hours a day, ALL IN GEN is able to captivate their attention while bringing light to wise decisions by teaching young people how to think rather than telling them what to think.

The meaning behind the name ALL IN GENERATION is the idea of convincing young people to fully buy into the positive potential of their generation to change the world. We believe and we want them to believe their time to make a difference is now. They can impact the world immediately around them and on a global scale.

Don’t miss the opportunity to book our media-rich life altering seminars!  ALL IN GEN is guaranteed to positively impact your students and change the culture of your schools by changing the minds of your students. Contact us today to book an ALL IN GEN event.

All In Generation is the nation’s leading resource for School Assemblies and Character Seminars. Check out the rest of our website to view supportive resources, gather solutions, and find out more about bringing us to your local school and community.

  • School Assemblies
  • Character Seminars
  • Parent and Mentor Trainings
  • Ready-Made-Curriculums
  • Community Events

Bullies and bullying can be prevented by the slow and methodic process of mentoring and coaching from a caring mindset. Each and every young person carries a wealth of potential. It’s up to us to see, call forth, and empower that potential. Your diligence and long hours toward maturing this generation are not in vain, but rather are changing the world.

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