Summer Focus


Summer Focus

The parent’s worst nightmare is upon us!  This nightmare breeds fear of inactivity, lack of supervision and some realistic concern that the tween/teen will remain in vegetative, media-induced hypnotism or high risk activity for the rendering of those 10-12 weeks better known as “SUMMER VACATION”.  As educators, counselors and principals, the concern for our students’ well-being and retention of values, knowledge and interactions are priority, but as statistics speak, data shows that millions of young people across our nation of all races and social classes engage in vandalism, bicycle theft, car burglaries and random crimes of opportunity at an accelerated rate during these summer months! (1)

Although increased down time, boredom, occasion for increased group activity and less consistent supervision may contribute to “being in the wrong place at the wrong time”, last school days’ messages may stoke young people to invest in summer as opportunity. Encourage students to:


Reassure students to listen to their inner voice when asked to join others or participate in planned and unplanned activity and if the read out is “Don’t, Leave, Not Good”, then BE SMART. One poor or “following the crowd” decision can permanently change a life. Communicate with students to build on their strengths, expand their capacity and find opportunity.

This opportunity can often be revealed through scheduled summer jobs and participations. Encourage students of all ages to work either as a volunteer or as a paid employee.  Research indicates that summer jobs, especially for high risk students have reduced juvenile arrests by as much as 43% in some of our larger cities. (2) Opportunities are often available in day camp assisting, YMCA camp counseling, life guarding, pool maintenance, park assistance, VBS church programing, babysitting and child caring, dog walking, lawn and garden tending, cooking for elderly or even working with parents to schedule paid chores as taking care of family laundry, washing of vehicles, etc. Driving teens may look to “errand running” for elderly or busy moms.  Ask counselors to brainstorm productively with students to create positive, self-reliant activity.

Suggest that the social media mogul, create summer blogs and share with friends, teachers, etc.  Encourage the Xbox devotee to create his/her own Apotheon or Chronicle Survivor and forward the accomplishments to the media teachers. Encourage digital photo collages of summer life be forwarded to the art department.  Encourage music, rap and lyric writing.

Ask supervisors and counselors who work during the summer weeks to randomly text, Instagram students regarding their summer investments, providing attention and feedback that many desire.

Have a great summer break!!

For more ideas on surviving Summer Vacation by thriving, contact us at

  1. Juvenile Justice Information Exchange;  “OP-ED: The Myth of Juvenile Crime in the Summer”;  Marc Schindler and Amanda Petteruti ; August 20, 2014.
  2.;  “Summer Jobs Lower Violent Crime Rate for Urban Teens”; Jeffrey Merris; December 4, 2014.


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Bullies and bullying can be prevented by the slow and methodic process of mentoring and coaching from a caring mindset. Each and every young person carries a wealth of potential. It’s up to us to see, call forth, and empower that potential. Your diligence and long hours toward maturing this generation are not in vain, but rather are changing the world.

Self Destructive Behavior in Students Impacts Us All


Self Destructive Behavior in Students Impacts Us All

At-risk students act out in ways that put them and others at risk. This is a major reason why changing their path as early and as completely as possible is so important. Behaviors can be attention seeking or an effort to exert power of their own lives. These behaviors are labeled “at-risk” behaviors because the consequences of these actions can lead to a real threat to students physically, emotionally, and psychologically. The threat of these consequences can extend to other students around the individuals acting out.


Behaviors can be attention seeking or an effort to exert power of their own lives.


These behaviors can be changed by making a meaningful change to students’ mindsets. In the same way that “at-risk” behavior can sweep up groups of students in a negative way, a positive outlook can impact others powerfully as well. Negative behavior is easier to spread and that is why we see those impacts more often, but with the right changes to the students that need uplifting the most, they can become leaders within the school that show their peers within their generation that there is another way.


If we reach students where they are, change is possible.


Changing student behavior now is worth the effort and is possible. If we reach students where they are, change is possible. They want to make something positive out of their lives even if they are not certain of how to get there. They all want friends. They all want a place in this world. They all deep down want their parents to be proud of them. There is a core of positive potential in each of these students that can be built into something great if used properly.


There is a core of positive potential in each of these students.


I believe in the ability of students to change because of what I have seen firsthand. I believe that can be repeated in other schools. It can happen in your school.

I’m proud of you for not giving up on these students that need you the most. The fact that you are reading this article says a lot about what you are trying to accomplish. Use the resources of ALL IN GEN to help you change student behavior for their good and the good of school.


All In Generation is the nation’s leading resource for School Assemblies and Character Seminars. Check out the rest of our website to view supportive resources, gather solutions, and find out more about bringing us to your local school and community.

  • School Assemblies
  • Character Seminars
  • Parent and Mentor Trainings
  • Ready-Made-Curriculums
  • Community Events

Bullies and bullying can be prevented by the slow and methodic process of mentoring and coaching from a caring mindset. Each and every young person carries a wealth of potential. It’s up to us to see, call forth, and empower that potential. Your diligence and long hours toward maturing this generation are not in vain, but rather are changing the world.

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