Aaron Davis

As a survivor of a gruesome murder attempt, Aaron knows first-hand what it is like to overcome the major challenges that life often presents us. Being nearly killed by blunt force trauma and hurled from a speeding car, Aaron has worked out and walked out what it means to overcome calamitous circumstances. Aaron has been featured on several news platforms such as ABC, NBC, and FOX as an expert in crime prevention and youth concerns.

This former detective-sergeant and Swat Team member has detailed countless consequences for young people who are making great life choices as well as for those making life-altering, destructive decisions. This experience has made Aaron a powerful communicator both wise and ready to impact others. The details of Aaron’s testimony will hush any crowd and the practical application he releases is sure to change both the minds and hearts of your youth!

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All In Generation Speakers

All In Generation is the nation’s leading resource for School Assemblies and Character Seminars. Check out the rest of our website to view supportive resources, gather solutions, and find out more about bringing us to your local school and community.

  • School Assemblies
  • Character Seminars
  • Parent and Mentor Trainings
  • Ready-Made-Curriculums
  • Community Events

Bullies and bullying can be prevented by the slow and methodic process of mentoring and coaching from a caring mindset. Each and every young person carries a wealth of potential. It’s up to us to see, call forth, and empower that potential. Your diligence and long hours toward maturing this generation are not in vain, but rather are changing the world.

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