Chris Taft

From inner-city Brooklyn New York, Chris knows what it’s like to overcome a culture of violence, substance abuse, and negativity. This 6’11” former NBA standout and second round draft pick for the Golden State Warriors has a passion to help people grow which far exceeds both his height and accomplishments on the court. Chris’s magnetic personality enables him to effectively guide young people into wise decisions and provides them hope amidst any circumstances. Chris has a unique ability to relate to youth of all backgrounds from inner-city and troubled teens to the privileged and wealthy. You do not want to miss his dynamic message and the influence upon young people that Chris carries!

The Next Step

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All In Generation Speakers

All In Generation is the nation’s leading resource for School Assemblies and Character Seminars. Check out the rest of our website to view supportive resources, gather solutions, and find out more about bringing us to your local school and community.

  • School Assemblies
  • Character Seminars
  • Parent and Mentor Trainings
  • Ready-Made-Curriculums
  • Community Events

Bullies and bullying can be prevented by the slow and methodic process of mentoring and coaching from a caring mindset. Each and every young person carries a wealth of potential. It’s up to us to see, call forth, and empower that potential. Your diligence and long hours toward maturing this generation are not in vain, but rather are changing the world.

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